TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments
TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments will analyze traditional inventory data and
100% inventories of whatever type of trees you select.
 Traditional inventories are
ones in which a series of points (prism plots) or plots (fixed area) are established in a
forested area and basic tree characteristics, such as species, DBH, and merchantable
height, are noted and recorded.  A 100% inventory is one in which measurements similar to
those done for a traditional inventory are done but only for trees that meet some criteria,
such as to be removed in a thin or being a black walnut.

TIGER programs have been developed for 20 midwestern and northeastern states.  Each
program is slightly different in that the list of species changes along with the default volume
tables and some other state specific adaptations, but they "look" a lot alike and do
essentially the same thing.

You can read
information about each state's version of TIGER by clicking "Details by
state" in the menu to the left.  

If you are interested in doing a forest inventory but don't know much about how to
do an inventory or would like to learn more about forest inventory
, click "Me do an
inventory?" in the menu to the left.

From this page
you can walk through the program by clicking "View the program" in the
menu to the left.  

To download a Demo of TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments.
Click here.
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