TIGER for Stratified Sampling will process data from a stratified sample of a woodland. A stratified sample is done by dividing a woodland into nonoverlapping areas (called strata or compartments) that are relatively uniform in species composition, density and maybe some other characteristics. After dividing the woodland, an inventory is done in each stratum.
The data for the individual compartments must be entered into TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments and can be analyzed to access the condition of the compartment and help decide on what management actions it might need.
The data for up to 15 compartments can be input into TIGER for Stratified Sampling and used to create one data file for the woodland. The combined data can be used to estimate the average volume and value per acre for the entire woodland. The compartments can be combined with and without any thinning being simulated for each one. If desired, each compartment can have a specific type of thinning simulated. The type of results produced are the same as those produced by TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments, except stocking guides are not developed because they do not apply to the average of combined compartments.
This program is now available. The price is $100 for a single installation if downloaded from our web site; $110 for a copy on a CD. For two installations of the program, the price is $160 if downloaded and $170 on a CD. You will need to buy TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments to create the data files that this program reads.
From this page you can walk through the program by clicking "View Stratified Sampling" in the menu to the left.
There is no special information about the states for doing stratified sampling. The information about each state's version of TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments that is listed in the "Details by state" section of the TIGER for Woodlands and Compartments portion of this web site applies equally to the TIGER for Estimating Basis. To see that information, click here.